10 Common New Year’s Resolutions (And How To Keep Them)

It’s a part of human life to desire self-improvement. We want to make each new year memorable by achieving tangible goals for our bodies, minds, and wallets. However, for the vast majority of us who make resolutions in the New Year, we’re often left disappointed in ourselves by February. 

Here are 10 of the most common resolutions, with simple steps to follow, and some products available online to make success more attainable for each. 


1: Lose weight

Set a definite goal for yourself so it is easier to visualize. “Lose 15 lbs” can be measured, rather than the vague “lose weight,” for example.

Try using a physical measure for your weight loss, like fitting into an old favorite piece of clothing by a certain date. Use an app like MyFitnessPal, free on both Android and iOS, to monitor your weight loss both through diet and exercise.

                            Photo courtesy of MyFitnessPal

 2: Exercise more 

Most gym memberships bought at the start of the new year often go unused after a few weeks.

Book your membership with a friend, and force each other to follow a schedule. This way, you’ll feel guilty for leaving your friend hanging (and not going to the gym).

Alternatively, workout from home with the Zumba Fitness Exhilarate Body Shaping System DVD set (which Amazon can ship to the Philippines). It’s a full exercise kit including light weights and five DVDs for you to follow, allowing you to exercise conveniently from home.

                          Photo courtesy of Zumba via Youtube

 3: Quit smoking or drinking

It’s a remarkable feat to overcome a vice like alcohol or cigarettes. If you can’t quit cold turkey, then set up a system that forces you to track your bad habit.

Keep a journal to record the alcohol units and cigarettes you have daily. Jot down the feelings and events that you feel may have prompted each moment of relapse. We recommend the immersive and well-designed Day One journal app, available on both iOS and macOS, for recording your milestones and thoughts on your journey to quitting an addiction.

                                  Photo courtesy of Alex Heath via Cult of Mac

 4: Save money

Much like losing weight, saving money becomes easier when you have a quantified goal—like saving P50,000 by the end of the year, for example. Alternatively, create a vision board, which includes pictures and prices of things you aspire to buy. This will remind you every day of the reasons you’re putting a little money away.

Manage your expenses down to the last detail with Mint: Money Manager and Personal Finance app, available on both iOS and Android for free. It’s always best to track your spending on a device you always have with you: your phone.

                                   Photo courtesy of Arielle O’Shea

 5: Eat healthier

It’s very tempting to eat out or buy take-out rather than stick to a meal plan. It’s always best to prepare your meals weekly, packaged for days of the week. Choose a convenient service that prepares your meals for you, or cook your own at home using fresh ingredients from your local market. 

Keep a journal detailing the food you eat daily, listing the healthy choices separate from the hopefully infrequent bad decisions. MyFitnessPal is able to both track the food you eat and record approximate calorie counts per item.

                                         Photo courtesy of MyFitnessPal

 6: Spend more time with family

Though we may want to spend more time with loved ones, our work tends to eat up our schedules. Set definite times per week where your family takes absolute priority. 

Start with a day of the week where you sit down to have dinner together, as a family. It only takes a little to start making them a priority.

                                                Photo courtesy of Pixabay

 7: Travel to new places

Develop an itinerary for a place you haven’t yet been to. For many, this makes committing to a trip much easier, having been able to visualize and drum up excitement for each unique experience. 

Book your accommodations, plane tickets, and prepare your travel documents as early as you can. Use a service like Expedia to get the best prices online; they also accept Visa card payments through their secure portal.

                                 Photo courtesy of Ian Griggs via PR Week

 8: Stop stressing over the little things

Only about five percent of people who take on this resolution succeed, as measuring results here is very difficult. 

There are, however, other things you can do to ease anxiety. Take up a hobby that involves working with your hands, like pottery or knitting, as these are proven to lessen overthinking.

 9: Learn a new skill 

Good resolutions are exciting. They’ll keep you motivated and have you looking for time in your day to work on them.

Find someone to learn your new skill with, whether it’s a teacher or a friend who’ll take it up with you. Make it a real commitment you won’t find easy to break.

Coursera is one of the top online course providers in the world, with curricula developed from top universities. Depending on the skill you’d like to learn, choose either free classes or full paid courses.

                               Photo courtesy of Rijvi Raj via Startup Dope

 10: Maintain better relationships

There’s no single way to go about mending a friendship, romantic relationship, or family tie. People all communicate differently.

Commit to this challenge by constantly reaching out to them in the coming year. After the dust has settled from the holidays, choose to maintain your habit of letting them know you care about them.

 Did these tips and lifehacks help you achieve your chosen goals for 2018? Share your experiences with us @mayaofficialph on Twitter!


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